Weather in Turkey

Time zone: GMT + 3 year-round

Climate: Mediterranean - warm, dry and sunny

Summer air temperature is between 78 - 89F (26-32 C)

Summer sea temperature 71- 77F (22-25C)

Summer daylight: 6:30AM-8:30PM

Water salinity: 38

Currents: average 0.5 knots (up to 4 knots next to river mouths)

Tidal range: small


Best sailing periods: June - September

Over 35 marinas open all year round.

Facilities in most of the marinas: reception, exchange office, restaurant, toilets and showers, grocery store, parking lot, repair shop, crane.



Lodos - strong south-westerly wind which may predominate episodically in the Aegean Sea and Marmara Sea as well as the Mediterranean coast of Turkey all the year round; it frequently raises high seas and may give violent westerly squalls.

Where I can book a boat in Turkey

Boat Charters In Turkey

Boat Rentals in Bodrum

Yacht Rentals in Marmaris

Yacht Charters in Fethiye