Juan booked with us and we were delighted to have him and his crew onboard! JUAN was very responsive and communicative throughout the process and observed the boat rules and followed captain/crew instructions. Thank you Juan!
Felix and company had a great time onboard! Felix was very responsive and communicative throughout the process and We would love to have them onboard again and soon! thank you Felix!
Lacy and her husband celebrated their anniversary with us onboard! we were honored to host this wonderful event! Lacy observed the boat rules and followed captain/crew instructions and The captain only had nice things to say about them! Thank You Lacy!
Andrew Came down to Miami and booked us to have a great time on our Yacht! We all had a great time. Andrew observed the boat rules and followed captain/crew instructions and The captain only had nice things to say about them! We would love to have them onboard again and soon! Thank You Andrew.
Shelia had a great time onboard with us ! we Truly appreciate it. Shelia observed the boat rules and followed captain/crew instructions and was very responsive and communicative throughout the process. We would love to have them onboard again and soon! Thank You